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(1 edit) (+1)

i think i have a great idea for this game: add a cardboard box that is evil and tries to get to the player, if the evil box toutches the player, they will be trapped in a box and you have to play the rest of the game as a cardboard box

Incredible idea dude XDD




absolute cinema


skarffidi toilet

(2 edits) (+1)

why is it so dark?

also the soundtrack is the best music in an game like this I've ever heard

It's dark cause I was testing out visual effects, I'll fix that in Alpha 3. Thank you about the music! ^^




Deleted 260 days ago

Sorry bout that :/
Maybe I'll add the Bunny Racing track in the next update, or the one after that! :D


nah man its ok I just really wanna see square bunny's running around take your time <:

Deleted 260 days ago

Yo, thanks for commenting!

So, the bunny race track isn't in this game. It's planned, but at the moment, I dunno when I'll be adding it.

I'm glad you like the movement btw!


so, there's kind of a lot I want to ask you about... whats the goal in the game?

also here's some bugs I found while playing :/

the title screen doesn't line up on my screen (could just be me though)

when in the game there is some debug info it seems that is massive taking up half the screen

can't collect the pie

the mouse..... if you hold it down you go absolutley flying

sorry I dont mean to be rude but theres a lot wrong :////

The game is in alpha, this is the very first public version, so it'll be buggy! The new update that's coming out in a few days fixes all these problems and more! Except the pie. You can't collect it yet.

As for having a goal, there really isn't one yet. Games take time, and I'm still working on this one!

Thank you for commenting! :)

Oh another thing, you can hide the debug text by pressing O + P + Enter !

the update did not come out in the next few days 💀


the debug info is the gameplay


Feel free to comment just about anything, be it a bug report, suggestions, criticisms, all are welcome!